Dental phobia? This is the solution to show off the best of your smiles.
The important advance in the techniques of oral surgery and implantology has been accompanied by the introduction of anaesthetic practice that allows modifying a surgical procedure that could be unpleasant in a comfortable experience.
The sedo-analgesia techniques for oral surgery are a set of resources carried out by a specialist anesthesiology doctor that consist of a combination of mild sedation that reduce the tension and anxiety that some dental interventions can produce in patients. There are many surgeries that can benefit from this anaesthetic technique such as implant surgery or periodontal surgery, among others.
Conscious sedation is capable of comfortably adjusting adequate amnesia and analgesia together with a level of consciousness that allows simple commands to be answered (open the mouth, turn the head ...) without affecting the patient's well-being or safety at any time. . In addition, the cooperation of the patient during the procedure provides the necessary conditions for the dentist to perform his task with more agility and speed.
The anesthesiologist at the preoperative visit evaluates the patient's medical history and explains how the sedation will be performed, assessing in a particular way the needs of each person. On the day of the intervention, once the sedation and the relevant dental treatments have been carried out, the patient will be able to go to his home accompanied and without pain.